


Warm Heart Eindhoven is happy to help you through the customer contact center of InWarmte<\/a>. U kunt altijd een vraag stellen door te mailen. Tijdens kantooruren zijn we ook telefonisch bereikbaar.<\/p>\n

Telefoon:<\/strong> 085 – 130 48 29<\/a><\/p>\n

E-mail:<\/strong> vragen@inwarmte.nl<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n





Download de app voor het InWarmte klantenportaal<\/p>\n






A malfunction always comes at an inconvenient time. First look at our page for malfunctions<\/a> if we are carrying out maintenance on your installation or if we are already working on solving the malfunction. Is there nothing online? We would like to solve your problem as soon as possible. Call +31 (0) 85 - 130 48 29 (local rate) and indicate that it is a malfunction. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.<\/p>\n

Please note:\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n